How to classify viruses ? What nomenclature to use ?
Virology is a recent subject. One could expect a structured nomenclature and a well codified use. This is not the case, but the subject benefits from mitigating circumstances.
Read moreDifférentes disciplines scientifiques, relevant de la biologie, étudient les espèces nuisibles ou utiles aux plantes cultivées ou sauvages.
Et la phytopathologie qui consiste à diagnostiquer les maladies des plantes causées par des pathogènes (bactérie, champignons et virus). Cette discipline fait intervenir la bactériologie, la mycologie et la virologie.
Virology is a recent subject. One could expect a structured nomenclature and a well codified use. This is not the case, but the subject benefits from mitigating circumstances.
Read moreVirus diseases of plants have an important economical effect. They cause a reduction of the plant’s strength and very often modify the aspect of certain plant organs. In all cases, a decrease of more or less importance in yield is observed.
Read moreViroids have been discovered in 1971 by the specialist of plant diseases T. O. Diener. These particles, smaller than viruses, are made of a single stranded RNA and do not have protein coat (capsid).
Read moreViruses are pathogenic organisms of very small dimension, invisible to optical microscopes. They can’t multiply themselves out of a living cell, they are obligatory parasites.
Read moreLosses in production due to weeds affect the world food production, but more particularly that of developing countries. It’s actually in tropical zone that the loss estimate is the highest: 25 % of production as opposed to 5 % in developed countries. Already in 1967, the first world analysis showed that in Africa, these losses were between 10 and 56%.
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