The importance of sharing genetic resources fairly - Interview with Claire Neirac
Claire Neirac is a rights lawyer and intellectual property specialist with the Cirad. She talked to us about the importance of sharing genetic resources.
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Scientists, let's promote your work in the Indian Ocean
and collaborate here!
Claire Neirac is a rights lawyer and intellectual property specialist with the Cirad. She talked to us about the importance of sharing genetic resources.
Read moreClaudine Ah-Peng is a researcher at the UMR PVBMT (Plant Communities and Biological Invaders in Tropical Environments) and is a specialist on bryophytes. She coordinates the Moveclim Project (Mountain vegetation as listening posts for climate change, using mosses and ferns as bioindicators of climate change).
Read moreWe spoke to Michel Roux-Cuvelier, a researcher at CIRAD Reunion (Plant Protection Centre), about a program, began in 2002, to improve onion yield in Reunion.
Read moreIgor Babou est Professeur à l'Université de la Réunion, sur le thème sciences-société-nature. Il nous explique tout l'intérêt de mener des recherches en sociologie sur les relations entre l'Homme et la Nature, en particulier à l'île de la Réunion.
Read moreScientifique au Centre national de documentation et de recherches scientifiques (CNDRS) à Moroni aux Comores, Ibrahim Yahaya, avec Jean Noël Labat et Benoît Fontaine du Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle (MNHN, France), ont mené de 2008 à 2011 des travaux fondateurs sur la biodiversité indigène des Comores.
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