New threats have recently emerged. These threats are linked to global pressures including biodiversity loss, climate change and food and energy shortages. This has served to highlight the need for the IOC countries to ensure their future food and energy production by sharing their agricultural knowledge and data in certain key sectors.
In 2008, a second program was launched to consolidate the gains of thefirst PRPV program and sustain the existing network by developing partnershipsbetween countries of the IOC. This new e-PRPV program aims to expand and sustain the plant protection network. It is funded until 2013 by Europe and the French government, at a cost of more than 2 million Euros.
Through this program, Reunion is involved in the "Regional Climate Change and Agroecology Initiative"(IRACC), administered by the Indian Ocean Commission and funded by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).
Both projects endeavor to promote agroecological techniques in the Indian Ocean to help small-scale agriculture to adapt to climate change, while improving the income and living conditions of producers.