Développer l'agriculture aux Comores pour viser la sécurité alimentaire
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World Food Day was celebrated in the Comoros on October 16 in the town of Jimlimé on the island of Anjouan. The event was not only an opportunity to highlight this remote part of the island but also to assess the action taken to improve the country's food security.
The highlight of the event, themed "Agricultural cooperatives Feed the World" was the speech by Dr. Fouad Mohadji, vice president in charge of the Ministry of Production, Environment, Energy, Industry and Crafts. The vice-President in his speech acknowledged that "much has been done but much remains to be done."
Major projects and programs have been announced with support from bilateral and multilateral partners. Specifically, fruit farming will be developed through the establishment of a distribution network and the construction of orchards throughout the country. The state also wants to guarantee the supply of agricultural resources in the country. Measures have been taken to facilitate imports, such as the total exemption of agricultural inputs of all customs duties.
In 2009, the IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development) studied rural areas as part of the National Program for Sustainable Human Development (PNDHD). The findings were disturbing : "All is lacking in the villages : no fertilizer, no seeds, no pesticides and tools which are only available at an exorbitant price. In short, there has been a collapse of the supply system. Loans are difficult, if not impossible, to obtain, and farmer organizations are decaying. Productive capital is not far behind. Forests are dismantled and the land improperly managed without any real possibility of restoration."
This erosion of the agricultural community, recognized by the government, undermines the country’s objective of food security. President Dr IkililouDhoinine, in his engagement letter to Vice-President Dr. Fouad Mahadji sent shortly after his inauguration in May 2011, to make the agricultural sector and rural areas the key driver of the Comoros economy.